Our selection of eco-friendly awards includes
- Driving Success Awards
- Team Player Awards
- Leadership Awards
- New Hire Awards
- Customer Service Awards
- Sales Hero Award
- Outstanding Accomplishment Award
- Star Performer Award
- Innovation Awards
- Future Thinker Award
- Bright Spark Award
- Genius Award
- Intrapreneur Award
- Ultimate Teamwork Award
- Best Team Member Award
- Helping Hand Award
- Mentoring Champion Award
- The Inspire Award
- Knowledge Award
- Amazing Addition Award
- Exceptional Hire Award
- Rising Star Award
- Five-Star Service Award
- Supplier Superstar Award
- Client Care Champion Award
- Going Above and Beyond Award
- Everyday Hero Award
- Extra Mile Award
- Outstanding Dependability Award
- Ace Employee Award
- Employee Choice Award
- Best Giphy Award
- Office DJ Award
- Best Dressed Award
- Best Tea/Coffee Maker Award
- Best Advice Giver Award
- Always Ready to Help Award
- Pillar of Strength Award
- Positivity Award
- Best Meetings Award
- Most Engaging Meeting Award
- Best Presentation Award
- Most Creative Meeting Award
- Engagement Driver Award
- Engagement Champion Award
- Best Social Rep Award
- The Motivator Award
- Best Listener Award
- Consider It Done Award
- Employee Advocate Award
- Exceptional Listener Award
These awards cater to a wide range of achievements, milestones, and employee recognition scenarios, ensuring that you can find the perfect award for any occasion. Our skilled artisans are ready to work with you to create a unique and personalized award that truly reflects the significance of the achievement being celebrated.
- Health and Safety Champion Award
- Diversity and Inclusion Advocate Award
- Sustainability Leader Award
- Volunteer of the Year Award
- Best Problem Solver Award
- Outstanding Collaboration Award
- Remote Work Superstar Award
- Continuous Improvement Award
- Best Work-Life Balance Award
- Most Adaptable Employee Award
- Creative Genius Award
- Most Organized Employee Award
- Customer Advocate Award
- Professional Development Award
- Best Mentor Award
- Most Inspirational Leader Award
- Most Reliable Employee Award
- Master of Efficiency Award
- Top Performer Award
- Most Innovative Solution Award
- Most Supportive Teammate Award
- Best Conflict Resolver Award
- Outstanding Initiative Award
- Most Positive Attitude Award
- Most Resourceful Employee Award
- Best Newcomer Award
- Most Dedicated Employee Award
- Peer-to-Peer Recognition Award
- Most Effective Communicator Award
- Most Committed to Quality Award
- Outstanding Project Management Award
- Exceptional Time Management Award
- Most Valuable Player Award
- Best Team Builder Award
- Outstanding Community Involvement Award
- Most Environmentally Conscious Employee Award
- Best Work From Home Setup Award
- Exceptional Attention to Detail Award
- Best Office Organizer Award
- Most Improved Employee Award
- Best Storyteller Award
- Most Enthusiastic Employee Award
- Best Office Environment Award
- Most Energetic Employee Award
- Most Charismatic Employee Award
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Empowering Leader Award
- Outstanding Sales Support Award
- Marketing Excellence Award
- Best Project Team Award
- Exceptional Technical Expertise Award
- Best Team Spirit Award
- Most Influential Leader Award
- Best Office Snack Provider Award
- Most Encouraging Manager Award
- Outstanding Networking Skills Award
- Best Virtual Event Host Award
- Most Agile Employee Award
- Top Innovator Award
- Wellness Champion Award
- Exceptional Resilience Award
- Best Office Plant Caretaker Award
- Most Detail-Oriented Employee Award
- Outstanding Community Outreach Award
- Most Valuable Contribution Award
- Best Team Motivator Award
- Most Empathetic Employee Award
- Exceptional Training and Development Award
- Best Office Mediator Award
- Most Punctual Employee Award
- Best Office Decorator Award
- Most Sociable Employee Award
- Outstanding Customer Retention Award
- Best Stress Reliever Award
- Most Tech-Savvy Employee Award
- Best Office Cook Award
- Exceptional Work Ethic Award
- Most Trustworthy Employee Award
- Best Teamwork Under Pressure Award
- Most Accomplished Goal-Setter Award
- Outstanding Product Development Award
- Best Crisis Management Award
- Most Optimistic Employee Award
- Best Virtual Team Player Award
- Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Award
- Most Proactive Employee Award
- Best Office Problem Solver Award
- Most Eager-to-Learn Employee Award
- Outstanding Work Anniversary Award
- Exceptional Contributor Award
- Best Office Morale Booster Award
- Most Skilled Negotiator Award
- Best Accountability Partner Award
- Most Dedicated to Sustainability Award
- Outstanding Global Impact Award
- Visionary Leader Award
- Best Office Game Master Award
- Outstanding Work From Home Buddy Award
- Most Culturally Aware Employee Award
- Exceptional Multitasker Award
- Best Employee Referral Award
- Most Consistent Performer Award
- Best Virtual Meeting Facilitator Award
- Best Office Tour Guide Award
- Outstanding Conflict Resolution Award
- Most Committed to Customer Success Award
- Best Office Athlete Award
- Most Charitable Employee Award
- Outstanding Cross-Functional Collaboration Award
- Most Eco-Friendly Commuter Award
- Exceptional Growth Mindset Award
- Best Office Event Planner Award
- Outstanding Business Strategy Award
- Most Supportive Remote Team Member Award
- Best Stress Management Award
- Most Inspiring Employee Story Award
- Outstanding Mentorship Award
- Exceptional Team Coordination Award
- Most Committed to Inclusivity Award
- Best Office Matchmaker Award
- Most Adventurous Employee Award
- Outstanding Collaboration Across Time Zones Award
- Exceptional Emotional Intelligence Award
- Most Skilled Virtual Presenter Award
- Best Office Mentor Award
- Outstanding Analytical Skills Award
- Best Office Fitness Enthusiast Award
- Most Proactive Learner Award
- Exceptional Crisis Communication Award
- Most Diligent Employee Award
- Outstanding Remote Onboarding Award
- Best Office Pet Owner Award
- Most Committed to Health and Safety Award
- Exceptional Diplomacy Award
- Most Helpful Remote Colleague Award
- Outstanding International Collaboration Award
- Best Office Chef Award
- Most Thoughtful Employee Award
- Best Office Life Coach Award
- Most Passionate Employee Award
- Outstanding Resource Management Award
- Best Office Storyteller Award
- Most Compassionate Leader Award
- Exceptional Adaptability Award
- Outstanding Office Volunteer Award
- Lifetime Dedication to Excellence Award
- Outstanding Change Management Award
- Most Committed to Personal Growth Award
- Best Office Cheerleader Award
- Most Dedicated Remote Worker Award
- Outstanding Collaboration in Virtual Teams Award
- Best Office Sustainability Advocate Award
- Most Accomplished Mentor Award
- Exceptional Customer Empathy Award
- Most Proactive Employee Wellness Award
- Outstanding Remote Team Management Award
- Best Work From Home Life Balance Award
- Most Consistent Remote Communicator Award
- Exceptional Virtual Training and Development Award
- Best Office Green Thumb Award
- Most Engaging Virtual Event Host Award
- Most Supportive Manager Award
- Best Workplace Conflict Mediator Award
- Most Welcoming Onboarding Experience Award
- Best Office Networking Expert Award
- Most Committed to Workplace Diversity Award
- Outstanding Virtual Collaboration Award
- Best Office Problem Prevention Award
- Most Skilled Virtual Meeting Participant Award
- Best Work From Home Setup Innovator Award
- Most Inspiring Virtual Team Building Award
- Exceptional Remote Team Engagement Award
- Most Effective Virtual Team Leader Award
- Outstanding Virtual Team Building Activity Award
- Best Virtual Icebreaker Award
- Most Supportive Virtual Meeting Participant Award
- Exceptional Virtual Meeting Time Management Award
- Best Remote Work Accountability Partner Award
- Most Skilled Virtual Collaboration Award
- Outstanding Work From Home Productivity Award
- Most Committed to Virtual Team Success Award
- Best Remote Team Building Activity Planner Award
- Exceptional Virtual Teamwork Award
- Most Supportive Virtual Team Member Award
- Best Virtual Team Morale Booster Award
- Outstanding Virtual Team Communication Award
- Exceptional Remote Work Flexibility Award
- Most Resilient Virtual Team Award
- Best Virtual Event Organizer Award
- Most Innovative Remote Work Strategy Award
- Outstanding Virtual Team Performance Award
- Best Virtual Team Bonding Award
- Most Dedicated Virtual Teammate Award
- Exceptional Remote Work Adaptability Award
- Outstanding Virtual Team Unity Award
- Best Virtual Team Encouragement Award
Here are some light-hearted and funny award categories that can add a touch of humor to your customizable offered by Custom Wood Designs and sustainable awards
- Office Prank Master Award
- Best Office Karaoke Singer Award
- Most Likely to Have a Snack Stash Award
- Best Desk Decor Award
- Office Social Butterfly Award
- Best Office Playlist Curator Award
- Most Likely to Start a Dance Party Award
- Most Creative Out-of-Office Reply Award
- Office Meme Lord Award
- Best Work-From-Home Background Award
- Office Jokester Award
- Most Likely to Finish the Coffee Award
- Best Impromptu Desk Concert Award
- Office Fashion Icon Award
- Most Likely to Have a Clean Desk Award
- Best Office Movie Buff Award
- Most Likely to Bring Treats to the Office Award
- Office Trivia Master Award
- Best Office Lunch Chef Award
- Most Likely to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse Award
- Best Office Yogi Award
- Most Likely to Leave Work on Time Award
- Office Pun Master Award
- Most Likely to Take a Coffee Break Award
- Best Office Plant Whisperer Award
- Most Likely to Start a Sing-along Award
- Best Office Sports Fan Award
- Most Likely to Bring Their Pet to Work Award
- Office Board Game Champion Award
- Best Office Baker Award
- Most Likely to Find Lost Items Award
- Office Quote Master Award
- Most Likely to Order Takeout Award
- Office Paper Airplane Engineer Award
- Best Virtual Background Award
- Most Likely to Have a Cluttered Desk Award
- Most Colorful Office Supplies Award
- Best Office Gossip Award
- Most Likely to Have the Best Snacks Award
- Office Emoji Expert Award
- Most Likely to Be Found in the Break Room Award
- Office Early Bird Award
- Most Likely to Bring Donuts on Fridays Award
- Best Office Dancer Award
- Office Late Night Owl Award
- Best Office Party Planner Award
- Most Likely to Stay Cool Under Pressure Award
- Office Optimist Award
- Most Likely to Hit Snooze Award
- Best Office Adventure Storyteller Award
- Most Likely to Save the Day Award
- Office Desk Graffiti Artist Award
- Most Likely to Know Everyone's Birthdays Award
- Best Office Chair Racer Award
- Office Superhero Award
- Best Office Themed Dresser Award
- Most Likely to Organize a Surprise Party Award
- Office Gadget Guru Award
- Best Office Impersonator Award
- Most Likely to Win a Debate Award
- Office Speed Typist Award
- Most Creative Excuse Maker Award
- Best Office Beverage Connoisseur Award
- Most Likely to Be Found in the Kitchen Award
- Office Multilingual Master Award
- Most Likely to Take a Power Nap Award
- Best Office Storyteller Award
- Most Likely to Complete a Crossword Puzzle Award
- Office MacGyver Award
- Best Office Recycling Advocate Award
- Most Likely to Be Found at the Water Cooler Award
- Best Office DIY Expert Award
- Most Likely to Get Caught Napping Award
- Office Life of the Party Award
- Most Likely to Have a Candy Stash Award
- Best Office Handwriting Award
- Most Likely to Be Found in the Copy Room Award
- Office Energizer Bunny Award
- Most Likely to Have a Desk Pet Award
- Best Office Stress Ball Squeezer Award
- Most Likely to Get Caught Daydreaming Award
- Office Comfort Food Provider Award
- Most Likely to Start an Office Trend Award
- Best Office Doodler Award
- Most Likely to Have a Post-it Note Collection Award
- Office Lollipop Lady/Gentleman Award
- Best Office Cheerleader Award
- Most Likely to Take the Longest Lunch Break Award
- Office Calm in the Chaos Award
- Most Likely to Be Found in the Parking Lot Award
- Office Selfie Expert Award
- Best Office Lunch Buddy Award
- Most Likely to Be Found in the Gym Award
- Office Hand Sanitizer Enthusiast Award
- Most Likely to Leave Early on Fridays Award
- Best Office Pet Photo Award
- Most Likely to Work on a Holiday Award
- Office Most Interesting Hobby Award
- Most Likely to Be Found Reading a Book Award
- Best Office Theme Party Planner Award
Here are some funny and quirky award categories that can bring laughter and joy to your company's award ceremonies
- Most Creative Coffee Cup Stacker Award
- Office Chair Spin Master Award
- Most Likely to Borrow Office Supplies Award
- Best Office "Hangry" Moment Award
- Most Likely to Forget Their Password Award
- Office Sock Matching Expert Award
- Most Likely to Get Caught Watching Cat Videos Award
- Best Office Air Guitarist Award
- Most Likely to Have an Office Supply Hoard Award
- Office Compliment Master Award
- Most Likely to Forget Their Lunch at Home Award
- Office Accidental Reply-All Award
- Most Likely to Have a Mini Fridge Under Their Desk Award
- Best Office Wi-Fi Name Award
- Most Likely to Take the Stairs Award
- Office Spontaneous Dance Break Award
- Most Likely to Get Stuck in the Elevator Award
- Best Office Snack Thief Award
- Most Likely to Lose Their Phone in the Office Award
- Office Microwave Disaster Award
- Most Likely to Have a Costume for Every Occasion Award
- Best Office Chair Balance Award
- Most Likely to Get Caught Singing to Themselves Award
- Office "Where's Waldo?" Expert Award
- Most Likely to Use Emojis in Emails Award
- Office Monopoly Money Collector Award
- Best Office Unintentional Photobomb Award
- Most Likely to Get Caught with a Double Monitor Tan Award
- Office Stapler Repair Guru Award
- Most Likely to Start a Conga Line Award
- Best Office Accidental Speakerphone Call Award
- Most Likely to Get Caught Binge-Watching a TV Show Award
- Office "I Thought That Was Tomorrow" Award
- Best Office Parking Space Award
- Most Likely to Create a New Office Hashtag Award
- Office Tangled Headphone Champion Award
- Most Likely to Misplace Their Glasses Award
- Best Office Unintentional Fashion Statement Award
- Most Likely to Start a Food Fight Award
- Office "Didn't We Just Have a Meeting About That?" Award
- Office Accidental Selfie Award
- Most Likely to Fall Asleep During a Meeting Award
- Best Office Prankster Award
- Most Likely to Have a Desk Garden Award
- Office Mismatched Sock Award
- Most Likely to Create a New Office Dance Award
- Office Accidental Autocorrect Email Award
- Most Likely to Bring a Pet to Work Award
- Best Office Chair Yoga Practitioner Award
- Most Likely to Get Caught Playing Online Games Award
- Office Speed Texter Award
- Most Likely to Have a Hidden Talent Award
- Best Office Fashion Trendsetter Award
- Most Likely to Start a Flash Mob Award
- Office Unintentional Office Supply Sculpture Award
- Most Likely to Get Caught Talking to Themselves Award
- Best Office Meme Creator Award
- Most Likely to Have a Tower of Sticky Notes Award
- Office Social Media Stalker Award
- Most Likely to Take a Break at the Wrong Time Award
- Best Office "Oops" Moment Award
- Most Likely to Share a Hilarious Joke Award
- Office Accidental Video Call Appearance Award
- Most Likely to Get Lost in the Building Award
- Best Office Unintentional Speakerphone Conversation Award
- Most Likely to Bring Donuts to the Office Award
- Office "I Thought the Camera Was Off" Award
- Most Likely to Use Slang in a Formal Email Award
- Best Office Karaoke Singer Award
- Most Likely to Forget Their Badge at Home Award
- Office Accidental Selfie Award
- Most Likely to Fall Asleep During a Meeting Award
- Best Office Prankster Award
- Most Likely to Have a Desk Garden Award
- Office Mismatched Sock Award
- Most Likely to Create a New Office Dance Award
- Office Accidental Autocorrect Email Award
- Most Likely to Bring a Pet to Work Award
- Best Office Chair Yoga Practitioner Award
- Most Likely to Get Caught Playing Online Games Award
- Office Speed Texter Award
- Most Likely to Have a Hidden Talent Award
- Best Office Fashion Trendsetter Award
- Most Likely to Start a Flash Mob Award
- Office Unintentional Office Supply Sculpture Award
- Most Likely to Get Caught Talking to Themselves Award
- Best Office Meme Creator Award
- Most Likely to Have a Tower of Sticky Notes Award
- Office Social Media Stalker Award
- Most Likely to Take a Break at the Wrong Time Award
- Best Office "Oops" Moment Award
- Most Likely to Share a Hilarious Joke Award
- Office Accidental Video Call Appearance Award
- Most Likely to Get Lost in the Building Award
- Best Office Unintentional Speakerphone Conversation Award
- Most Likely to Bring Donuts to the Office Award
- Office "I Thought the Camera Was Off" Award
- Most Likely to Use Slang in a Formal Email Award
- Best Office Karaoke Singer Award
- Most Likely to Forget Their Badge at Home Award
These sarcastic and funny award categories can introduce a tongue-in-cheek element of fun to your company's award ceremonies, promoting a lighthearted atmosphere and encouraging employees to share a laugh. Custom Wood Designs' skilled artisans can create these amusing awards with the same level of quality and personalization as their more serious counterparts.
The "I'll Be There in 5 Minutes" Award
The "Sure, I Read the Email" Award
The "I Knew That" Award
The "You're on Mute" Award
The "I'm Just Resting My Eyes" Award
The "I Brought Enough Food for Everyone" Award
The "I Thought You Were in Charge" Award
The "My Dog Ate My Report" Award
The "It's Not a Bug, It's a Feature" Award
The "I Was Just Testing You" Award
The "I Meant to Do That" Award
The "I Didn't Get the Memo" Award
The "My Other Computer is a Supercomputer" Award
The "It Worked on My Machine" Award
The "I'm Not Procrastinating, I'm Prioritizing" Award
The "I Didn't See You There" Award
The "My Code Never Has Bugs" Award
The "I Was Just About to Do That" Award
The "Sure, I'll Have Just One More Coffee" Award
The "I'm an Expert in Multitasking" Award
The "I'm Just Waiting for Inspiration" Award
The "Best Use of Sarcasm" Award
The "I Was Just Thinking the Same Thing" Award
The "Is It Friday Yet?" Award
The "I've Got This Under Control" Award
The "I Thought That Was Your Job" Award
The "I'll Start My Diet Tomorrow" Award
The "Why Didn't I Think of That?" Award
The "I Promise I'll Start Exercising" Award
The "I Swear It Was Like That When I Got Here" Award
The "I Have a Spreadsheet for That" Award
The "I Invented the Coffee Break" Award
The "Accidental Reply All" Master Award
The "I Knew I Should've Been a Rocket Scientist" Award
The "I'm Not Late, I'm Fashionably Punctual" Award
The "I Can Fix Anything with Duct Tape" Award
The "I Promise I Wasn't Sleeping" Award
The "I've Got a Meme for Every Situation" Award
The "It's Not Procrastination, It's Creative Avoidance" Award
The "I Survived Another Meeting That Should've Been an Email" Award
The "My Calendar Has a Meeting for Every Hour" Award
The "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead" Award
The "I Can Find Anything on the Internet" Award
The "I Can Out-Talk Anyone" Award
The "I Thought You Were Bringing the Donuts" Award
The "I Can Find a Shortcut for Everything" Award
The "I'm an Expert in Making To-Do Lists" Award
The "I Never Take a Sick Day" Award
The "I Can Recycle Any Joke" Award
The "My Office Plant is Still Alive" Award
The "I Can Eat Lunch at My Desk Without Spilling" Award
The "I Have a Degree in Vague Responses" Award
The "My Out-of-Office Replies Are Legendary" Award
The "I Can Multitask Like a Pro" Award
The "I'm Just Here for the Free Food" Award
The "I Can Find an Emoji for Everything" Award
The "I Can't Believe I Wore Two Different Shoes" Award
The "I Can Make Anything into an Acronym" Award
The "I've Got a Backup Plan for My Backup Plan" Award
The "I Can Survive on 3 Hours of Sleep" Award

Eco-Friendly Trophies , Employee Recognition and Client Retention: Custom Wood Designs' Sustainable Solutions
Custom Wood Designs offers sustainable custom-branded employee recognition products to show appreciation for your hardworking employees while reducing your carbon footprint. Their range of eco-friendly products, including trophies, awards, and gift boxes, aligns with the growing need for businesses to adopt sustainable practices. By choosing Custom Wood Designs, you not only show your employees that you care, but you also demonstrate your commitment to sustainability. Our impressive offerings can also help with client retention, as personalized and sustainable gifts can go a long way in maintaining strong relationships with clients. Contact Custom Wood Designs today to place your order and show your appreciation for your employees and clients in a sustainable way with products made in Dublin, Ireland.

Routed & Coloured

Block Oaks

Bespoke Gift Boxes

Boxes ready to buy
How to Order
- 🌎 Visit the Custom Wood Designs website or contact us through the email provided, info@customwooddesigns.ie.
- 🌎 Browse our range of sustainable custom-branded employee recognition products, including trophies, awards, and gift boxes.
- 🌎 Select the product you would like to order and specify any customization you want, such as adding the recipient's name or a personalized message.
- 🌎 Provide the necessary details required to fulfill your order, including the quantity, delivery address, and any other specifications.
- 🌎 Review your order details and confirm that everything is correct.
- 🌎 Make payment using the available payment options, which could be through credit card, PayPal, or bank transfer.
- 🌎 Once the payment is processed, Custom Wood Designs will produce and deliver your personalized product within the agreed time frame.
In case you have any questions or concerns regarding the ordering process, you can reach out to their customer service team, who will be happy to assist you.
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